這二天想要找尋關於CMOS Image Sensor 的電子書,發現有個網站加入付費會員就可以下載
試用會員特惠價僅四塊新幣左右,但是我加入之後不但無法下載,還被此 downloads paradise / download-genius.com 的網站給自動續約,即使他透過e-mail告知我仍覺得這種主動扣款卻沒連絡到本人的行為等於詐騙,遊走在法律邊緣,從我信用卡扣款近五十新幣(1200台幣),寫信去申訴也沒用,公司還設在深圳,天殺的近似於詐騙的行為。上一次當學一次乖,希望不要再有人被這個網站騙了,他上面還有不知真偽的使用心得
I join the promotional trial member of downloads paradise / download-genius.com. However, none of those e-books they advertised were available. Furthermore, this website auto renewal my membership 3 days later without further confirming, simply deducted the money they desired. My credit card was deducted by 50 US dollars. If this is not a fraud, what is a fraud ? I paid the money but get nothing except wasting my time. The service mail only repeated that they are not responsible for those advertisements. It's unbelievable how could this happen. I will file in a dispute letter through credit card company.
PLESAE SIR give me email & password for this site http://download-genius.com please sand me my email asadmaxy@gmail.com